Latest Piece of Art!

So a friend of mine had a request. Requests make me nervous, but I like to try. They make me nervous because I might just not be able to do it. And I hate to fail. Though I am getting better at it. And I am learning to try again instead of just accepting defeat. I like trying even though it makes me nervous because maybe I will be able to do it and that ends up a great success as well as someone being happy.

Her Request

So her request was a rooster. And I thought it was a great little story behind that. Apparently, some years back, she watched her granddaughter’s place and her chickens. I am told she loves her chickens! Well while my friend was in charge one of the roosters died. Granddaughter was very upset. So she is asking for a rooster t-shirt to give to her.

Now I tried a rooster and two things went wrong. One I was using a new medium, some nice markers I had gotten. And two I was trying to improve on my photo. It was the worst looking rooster I have ever seen! I won’t even show it, it was that bad. But like I said I have gotten to where I will try more than once, so back to the drawing board.

Second Try

So I found another picture, one with more colors in it so I could stick closer to the picture and still get the colors she wanted. Then I switched to a medium I have worked in, soft pastels. What a difference those two things made!

So this is what I finally came up with! I am really pleased with him. Is he so detailed so as to look real? No, but still, he is one proud cock-a-doodle-do! Now, if you are interested in getting something with this design check out my store!

So What Is to Come??

I wish I could say business is booming, but it is slow going. I have had one sale since I opened, my aunt bought a dragonfly canvas. I don’t have any idea where she is going to put it. My uncle had commented not long ago that they were going to be wall to wall pictures, but it was wonderful that she thought of me and ordered something.

What You Will Find

So what are some of the things that are up already? To start let me tell you what the products are. Tee-shirts in different styles are a biggie. I also have sweatshirts and hoodies. Beyond what you can wear there are coffee mugs, face masks, phone covers, tote bags (one of my favorite items so far), kids clothes, doggie clothes (in tons of sizes), pillows, posters, canvases, stickers (I am trying to do die cut stickers but that is a learning experience and very tedious, so have patience. Also if you see something that says die cut but shows a rectangle, don’t buy it. Go for the less expensive regular sticker.) So anyway, lots of stuff! And it all comes in a variety of colors. What is available as far as colors varies from piece to piece because one tee might have 20 options and another might have 1. I try to look for complementary colors as well. So if you love purple and it doesn’t go with the artwork, then I am sorry. Though I will say if you really want something in purple and it is available to me, you can message me and I will put it up for you. But I don’t promise it will be appealing to the eye.

Now for the designs. Not all designs have all items. It really, again, depended on what it looked like and how it fit the item. Like I think I have one design that is on the all over sweatshirt. Most just didn’t look right. But here are the different designs that are available:

So lots to choose from and more coming all the time!

What Is Next?

I have a few pieces that I am planning on doing next, here they are:

The tiger’s eye, while really great, is going to be dependent on if I can get rid of the background. It is too small as it is, so it needs to be cut down. I also *might* have a rooster coming. Oh and another that is already up is a breast cancer awareness ribbon, but I don’t think I did anything except the mug because I was having a hard time loading it. I will go back and try to more of that up.

The last two I mentioned were requests, the ribbon and the rooster. I will take requests with the understanding that some things I do well, some things I am still trying to build skill for and it might just not turn out good enough to put it up there. But you can always ask. Also if you have any ideas that you think might sell well, hey! hit me up. Ideas are good. Though I will mention I do not celebrate holidays, so please don’t ask about me doing something that is holiday oriented. Unless, you are interested in finding out why I don’t celebrate holidays and then again, put a comment up and I will be glad to explain my reasonings.

Well that about wraps it up. Let me know what you think, and please check out my store, also the company I am using ships worldwide! So all my Indian, Norwegian, British, African, Chinese, Thai friends and others, check it out!

Mug Giveaway!!!

While I have certainly had activity here and on Facebook and Instagram, I am not getting y’all to my store! So it is definitely time to show off some of my products with a giveaway!

So here is the deal, you comment here on your favorite mug design at my store and you will be entered to win one of five mugs! You can also enter at my facebook page and my twitter site, @kendall_shop, and my instagram, kendallstewartsartshop, if you feel more comfortable at one of these places. Here is an example of one of my mugs:

Now each mug has its own design and may come in different colors, so don’t forget to put that on your entry as well. I’ll contact you on the 19th of August 2020 to let you know you have won. And I will contact you, obviously, via the platform you voted in. And there will be absolutely no charges! I will pay shipping and handling as well! If anyone asks you for money on my behalf or on the behalf of my company, Kendall Stewart’s Art Shop, it is NOT me!

Back To an Old Medium

So yesterday I tested the waters with my old pastel/acrylic mix. I wasn’t all that satisfied with the results, and I didn’t do all that I used to do with the acrylic, but I want to give it another go. I’ve got some different pictures of the same model, a muskox, and I’m hoping I learned a little. We’ll see how it goes when I get a chance to breathe, that will be Thursday I hope.


I am so behind. I don’t know how many of these I’ll be able to do this month. I need to paint some stuff I know I will succeed at, might even go back to pastel/acrylic for a while. I need product for future designs.

I did however manage to get a couple of watercolors done late. First are the Northern Lights:

The more I look at it the less I like it. I just couldn’t get it. This is even a second try, the first looked like the sky had broken open. Like something Dr. Who needed to come and fix! Ooh yeah, that crack that doctor number 11 had to deal with!

Next are the pelicans:

I like these guys, they just aren’t in the right place. They need to shift to the right. Still, it isn’t too bad.

I didn’t even bother with today’s. I looked at pictures of fossils and didn’t like anything I saw. I swear this month’s prompts are harder than the ones from last month! Okay, well I’ll talk to y’all later!

Tchau (not a misspelling, it is Portuguese for and sounds just like ciao, and is the same as good-bye in English)

A Redo of the Prompt Turtle #Doodlewash

Okay, I don’t usually do do-overs. I know really I should. It is just my attention span is about the equivalent of a doorknob! But for a friend I did the turtle over, doing just one this time. I’m still not happy with it, but it is better than the melting ones!

I wish I could have done schools of fish like the picture rather than the few I really didn’t put my heart into. Hey, it’s an improvement though.

New Painting Project

So I got the book in that is going to be my next…first…painting project. I am going to still try to do all the doodlewashes, but this one is just for me, and for my store.

So it is a massive book of animals. For whatever reason I do fairly well with animals if I put my mind to it. Well, except that cheetah I posted on here. Should have done him in color and should have left the background alone. But most of the time I do well. I have done my last dog, a puffin, the lion that hardly anyone here liked, but I love, I’ve done an egret, and so on. So I thought it would be fun to try. I had no idea the book would be so huge, but I’ll just do one per animal and see how it goes.

I also want to do a flower book, I’m not as good at flowers so that is going to come later we’ll see how that goes when the time comes. I’m excited though, I love animals, all of them! Except worms, ewwww.

I don’t that I will use strictly watercolor. I am still learning with that. I might try, but I may go back to some pastel and acrylic. It’s been a while since I did that. It might be fun to go back to that again. We’ll just have to wait and see!